Sunday, August 2, 2015

11 August 2015 La Porte County (IN) Genealogical Society Meeting

When I was growing up in Springfield Township, La Porte County, this intersection had no road signs. If it did, we natives would expect them to read “Marsh Road” and “Moon Road”. (I never saw these names used in an address - our mail came to RR #1, Box 222.) Did the county roads have names before they had numbers? Why do some still have names? Whose names are/were attached to roads?
The program which follows the business portion of the regular monthly meeting of the La Porte County (IN) Genealogical Society is entitled “La Porte County Road Surnames, Genealogically Speaking,” presented by the La Porte County Historian, Fern Eddy Schultz. Guests are welcome to join us at 7 PM on Tuesday, August 11, at the La Porte Park Department Headquarters, 250 Pine Lake Avenue.
Learn more about the society at our website,, or like us on Facebook. [La Porte County Genealogical Society]

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