Saturday, February 17, 2018

February 13, 2018 Meeting

Eighteen members and guests enjoyed the program at the monthly meeting of the La Porte County Indiana Genealogical Society on February 13, 2018. The group met at the La Porte Park Department Headquarters.
President Ron Hyer conducted a business meeting. Afterward, all participated in "Stump the Society", with presentation of some genealogical  problems, usually known as "Brick Walls". A family group in New York in the 1840's is complicated by the fact that there are at least two Jacob Halters, two Peters, and two Elizabeths, all living in the Erie County at the same time. A question was presented of a probate filing and how long it might follow the death date. Another question was where to find the vital records for an island in the Baltic, which at times was governed by different nations. Opinions were exchanged on the best place to find early records from Kansas.
Dorothy Palmer reminded members that the Bus trip to Allen County Public Library is April 18, and the deadline for reservations is April 1st. Contact Patricia Harris.

The Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 14, at the Park Department facility, which is at 250 Pine Lake Avenue. Following the business portion of the meeting, La Porte County Historian Fern Eddy Schultz will present a program entitled “A Map for All Occasions.” Guests are always welcome.

An announcement at the meeting noted that RootsWeb servers are still mostly down, so the Society's Website is unavailable. The La Porte County site of INGenWeb is also dependent on this server, so be alert sor changes in these sites.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Save Those Memories!

An event is coming early next week at the La Porte County Public Library, Main Library (904 Indiana Avenue, La Porte.) I just heard it mentioned by two of the Library staff last Wednesday on the Breakfast Showcase show with Stan Maddux. Here is some copy from the Library website:

 Restoring & Digitizing Memories
 Main Library - Spark Labs
Monday, February 05: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Keep those irreplaceable memories alive!

 Main Library - Spark Labs
Monday, February 05: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Keep those irreplaceable memories alive!

They have some impressive hardware for patrons to use, and I believe they said they have a full complement of ADOBE software.