Wednesday, June 10, 2015

St. Mary's Cemetery, Otis, Indiana

We had excellent weather for our annual cemetery tour on June 9, 2015.

President Dorothy Palmer presented part of the program
with the monument to Rev. Urban Raszkiewicz
and the central Crucifix behind her.

Laura Shields told us some more about the sons of the parish who followed the priestly vocation.

Monica Nowatzke showed us the monumentof Michal Milcarek

Join us next month on July 14. KayLynn Mathews, past director of Valparaiso Family History Center, will present “An Overview of Family Search: what resources it provides and how it can help you in your research.” The meeting starts at 7 PM CDST, at the La Porte Park Department Headquarters at 250 Pine Lake Avenue, La Porte, Indiana.
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