10 February 2015 Meeting
La Porte County (IN) Genealogical Society
February is the month for lovers, and the theme for the meeting of the La Porte County (IN) Genealogical Society will be love stories. Members will share the story of how a couple in their family met. The meeting will begin at seven PM, at the La Porte Park Department office building at 250 Pine Lake Avenue. As always, the public is welcome at society meetings. The society and the Michigan City Public Library are again organizing a bus trip to the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne. This year’s event is scheduled for April 22, and Patricia Harris will have sign-up forms at the February meeting. There will also be a flyer in the March, 2015, issue of “The Door”, the society’s newsletter.
More information about the society is available at http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~inlcigs/.