Saturday, September 12, 2020

Using Your Research Time Well


At the Tuesday, September 8, 2020 meeting, President Carol Lloyd reminded us of the opportunities for learning on the internet. As an example, she copied a handout from a webinar presented by Curt B Witcher, the manager of the Genealogy Center at Allen County Public Library.

Mr Witcher emphasized the value of getting the maximum out of your historical research. He had suggestions ranging from how to ask archivists and record custodians the "right" question, to using parts of the library beyond the genealogical collection. He even included a form for thoroughly recording  and documenting your search.

Check the ACPL website and all of your favorite sites frequently. Notices of free classes and webinars are opportunities to improve your skills.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Not Your Ordinary Meeting!

 September 8, 2020

About 12 members and a guest gathered in the yard of President Carol Lloyd's home at 5:30 in the evening for a celebration of family history and La Porte County history. 

The business meeting was presented in a condensed format, due to public health protocols. All attendees wore face coverings and observed appropriate spacing. The program was the presentation of residency awards for 2020.

Carol Lloyd and Rick Deutscher, 
who removed their masks for a
photo op.

Member Rick Deutscher spoke about the difficulties he had encountered as he traced his ancestors. He found that his great-grandfather, John Schlene, could be found in property records as early as 1854. With proof of his relationship to John, Rick received a Pioneer Settler Award. Another great-grandfather, Christopher Deutscher, was proved in La Porte County in 1861, and he qualified for the presentation of  a Settler Award.

The Awards were presented by  President Lloyd, in the absence of the Residency Committee's Chair, Fern Eddy Schultz.

Future Meetings

Although the next meeting is scheduled for October 13, the meeting place and time could be altered. The President will endeavor to notify all members as soon as details are determined.

Website and Facebook

Check for news on Facebook [La Porte County Genealogical Society], or at the website,

Monday, March 23, 2020


The Covid-19 crisis has caused the cancellation of many planned events.

The regular meeting of the La Porte County (IN) Genealogical Society scheduled for April 14, with Harold Henderson telling us how to find and use Church records, has been cancelled.

The annual bus trip to the Allen County Public Library, organized by the society and supported by the Michigan City Public Library is on hold, hopefully subject to a revised schedule.

The next genealogical society meeting is to be held on May 12, 2020. Present plans are to hear Patricia Gruse Harris tell us about "Civil War Nurses of La Porte County."
The society has toured a local cemetery every June for over 25 years. This June 9, we will view the Miriam Benedict Cemetery, located on U.S. 6 east of Westville. Plan to be there at 6 PM. A gathering will follow at a restaurant in Westville.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


The closing of the Park Department office to the public  will mean that the April 14, 2020 meeting of the La Porte County (IN) Genealogical Society is cancelled.
Please pass the word on this, and keep yourself well.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Join the LPCIGS at Allen County Public Library!

Obviously, this event at this date is CANCELLED! Watch for rescheduling, or check the Website or FACEBOOK
 Here is a repeat of the press release from the
La Porte County (IN) Genealogical Society:

Genealogy research bus trip planned

Reservations are now being accepted for the annual genealogy research bus trip to the Allen County Public Library co-sponsored by the La Porte County (IN) Genealogical society  and  the Michigan City Public Library on April 22.

The bus will leave Marquette Mall near the former movie theater at 7 am CDST with a pickup about 7:30 at the parking lot of Kabelin's Ace Hardware on west Indiana 2 in La Porte. Return will be approximately 6 pm  in La Porte and 6:30 in Michigan City.

Reservations of $22 per person are due and payable to the La Porte County Genelogical Society c/o 164 Riviera Drive, Michigan City, In 46360-6800 by  April 1.

All are welcome to join us and research their family history at Indiana's largest genealogy library. Call (219) 872-3273 for additional information.